Tuesday, March 9, 2010


It's been well over a month since my last post. I'm sure some of my readers were wondering if this was a done and said thing. Well, it's not. You could say time is the vice that had drawn me away from my blog, but I have to do what's in my best interests. Unfortunately, this means you're still not going to hear from me as much. Now that I move closer towards graduation, I need to put my focus on certain things to establish my stability within the education system and so forth. In addition, there are new challenges in my life with which I'm learning how to handle. Therefore, I have to make some sacrifices and for now this is one of them. This doesn't mean I plan to stop writing anytime soon. In fact after much debate, I've decided to go forth with one of my side projects, which I had to put down for a while. This is just to give my readers an idea of why I haven't been blogging. I want to send my personal thanks out to those that have periodically checked out my blog and I hope to post something sometime soon. (Alliteration. Ha.)

This has been Ian K. Feldman speaking words of wisdom.