Since the beginning of the summer, people have sported peace signs and flowers in anticipation of the anniversary of the Woodstock Festival, which started 40 years ago this weekend. However, the aggressive debate on Obama's Health Care Reform makes the message of spreading peace and love seem dismal right now. The Obama plan, which pushes for a nationwide health care system and would require patients to receive a mandate, has been getting a lot of sharp jabs, as many Americans fear that their loved ones might have to be placed on a waiting list for them to be treated. This has lead to a number of town meetings, where people feel they have to yell and scream that Obama wants to take away certain medical priorities.Ironically, not all of these protesters were against Obama during the election. If this is the case, why are so many democrats waking up now and realizing that this is a bad idea.
I think many people still don't understand every aspect of the Obama Plan and this is one of the reasons why there is so much anger and protest. The public should have more access to the parameters of the Health Care Plan and it should be explained in simplest forms how each parameter will be executed. I don't think that the Republicans and Democrats at these town hall meeting are clearly explaining the parameters of the Obama Health Care Plan. In fact, both sides seem to be egging on these protesters even more and it's becoming too ugly.
When it comes down to the truth, the Obama Health Care Plan is not much better than our current health system. In fact, Universal Health Care is one of my criticisms of the Democratic Party. The number of Americans who are able to enroll in Medicaid and Medicare are at a high. The following is statistics taken from the 2008 New York State Medicaid Data Book. As of July 2007, a little more than 4 million New Yorkers were enrolled in New York State Medicaid. 28% of New York State health care expenditures were going to people with Medicaid. About 18% of Health Care Expenditures in New York are going to people with Medicare. That means almost half the money used for Health Care in New York is going to people with either Medicaid or Medicare. However, our current health care system is not that much better and we can't expect the perfect resolution to come quickly.
It's upsetting to see a cancer patient shell out $140 for medication and the worst part is that they have no choice but to take that medication. Who's to say that a cancer patient will get a break under the new Obama Health Care plan? Maybe the Health Care Plan will be better for Americans as a whole or maybe it will destroy Medicaid recipients. I wish I had a simple answer to solve our health care situation but I don't. What I do know is that people have to stop screaming and protesting on both sides of the fence and listen to what people have to say. There should have been protests and questioning on this scale when we noticed problems within our economic system. I just don't see the point of all the arguing and yelling, which will get people nowhere.
Woodstock will always be remembered for the music, the messages, and the legacy that it has left on American culture. However, what we sometimes forget is that Woodstock was all about the listening. The music, the messages and the legacy were made specifically for us to listen to during a time where America was unsure of who to listen to. Now we find ourselves once again in a time where we're unsure of who to listen to and it's important for us to find something to listen to. I therefore would appreciate it if all readers could post in a civil manner how you feel about Obama's Health Care Plan? How you feel about our current Health care system? and What suggestions you might have to improve Health Care in America? SO please don't hesitate to comment and make your friends and family aware as well.
While were in the Woodstock mode here's a couple of things for you to hear.
The Who - Tommy Set
Crosby, Stills, and Nash - Woodstock
This has been Ian Feldman speaking words of wisdom and love.
1 comment:
I have not fully absorbed the Obama Healthcare Plan. I know that I disagree about making small business people responsible for paying their employees' healthcare insurance. That is not fair and counter-productive for small businesses.
Woostock--my generation. My brother went and said it was incredible! A few month after Woodstock, they tried to recreate it down South. I happen to be driving from NYC to Florida at the time. Every young person you passed in your car, gave you the peace sign. It was like we were all connected somehow. We all had long hair & bell bottom jeans. We made love, not war. It was a very special time.
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