Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Show About Nothing: Unscripted

This news has been floating around for a while, but as the season 7 premiere of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" comes closer, it's exciting for me to announce that the entire cast of Seinfeld will be uniting on TV together for the first time in twelve years. Oh and the best part is there's no script this time so god knows what we're going to hear. I got a chance to check out a special feature on HBO about the upcoming season of Larry David's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and let me just say that it exceeded my expectation. First of all, they've pulled the original sets of Jerry's apartment and the diner from the original show. They even gave the apartment a updated 2000 look. Second, Larry David pretty much brought back the entire cast and crew, including Newman and George Parent's. Honestly, when I first heard the idea I though Larry was going to give us the idea of what it was like making the show back then. However, it seems like he'll be taking the Clerks route and re-examine these characters a decade after we last saw them. As always Curb Your Enthusiasm will give us another hilarious season and if you're a Seinfeld, then I really think you're going to be in for a special treat. If you're not a fan, you should still check out "Curb Your Enthusiasm" because it's a riot and has a great cast of talented actors and comedians.

And for those of you, who don't know much about Curb, here's the one and only Susie Essman, showing us how a proper, Jewish woman speaks.

This has been Art Vanderlay speaking words of wisdom.

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